Bookmarks tagged practice
18 Jan 2024
"Learn, practice and get world-class mentoring in over 50 languages. 100% free."
Tasks to practise various programming languages. Each language gets a track. Some of these tracks have "learning mode", where you go through concepts in order, and some of them don't. The learning mode exercises appear to mostly be trivial, though they will indeed introduce you to a lot of basic concepts of the language.
Tasks to practise various programming languages. Each language gets a track. Some of these tracks have "learning mode", where you go through concepts in order, and some of them don't. The learning mode exercises appear to mostly be trivial, though they will indeed introduce you to a lot of basic concepts of the language.
18 Jan 2024
"Linux Troubleshooting Interview DevOps SRE". You get a Linux server with a problem and you have to solve the problem.
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