Latest bookmarks (page 1 of 2)

23 Jan 2024
Methods for counting bits, etc. Especially interesting is "the best method for counting bits"
18 Jan 2024
"Learn, practice and get world-class mentoring in over 50 languages. 100% free."
Tasks to practise various programming languages. Each language gets a track. Some of these tracks have "learning mode", where you go through concepts in order, and some of them don't. The learning mode exercises appear to mostly be trivial, though they will indeed introduce you to a lot of basic concepts of the language.
18 Jan 2024
"Linux Troubleshooting Interview DevOps SRE". You get a Linux server with a problem and you have to solve the problem.
2 Dec 2023
"Signs and symbols on the sides of ships tell stories about an industry few outsiders understand." Various symbols, markings, etc. that you'll find on contemporary oceangoing ships.
25 Oct 2023
Restic is backup software that lets you create and push backups to repositories. Its model looks somewhat like git's storage model - and I kind of like it. I also really want to reimplement it from scratch for no obvious reason.
22 Sep 2023
Did you know that you can draw plots directly in LaTeX? It turns out to be pretty useful!
19 Sep 2023
"B612 is an highly legible open source font family designed and tested to be used on aircraft cockpit screens."
18 Sep 2023
A PEP containing a tutorial for how to use Python 3.10+ structural pattern matching. Seems to cover the subject pretty thoroughly.
18 Sep 2023
A search engine for all sorts of non-commercial websites, especially older or smaller ones. The search categories available include such things as Popular Sites, Personal Websites, Academia, Web 1.0 and Text Files.
There's also an option to get a random page of results and to then refine them by clicking "similar sites" on one of the results. My understanding is that the whole thing is open-source and all of the searching or indexing is done by software made and run by the same author, and is not leveraging any extant search engine.
18 Sep 2023
Presumably this is a well-known methodology of information gathering, but I wasn't very aware of it until recently. It comes up as a useful technique for writing down why and how something is interesting in addition to merely that it is interesting. I guess technically I could do that for the bookmarks, here?